
Tuesday, 8 October 2013



Without sounding like alcoholics (or students), and at the risk of sounding like we're promoting a ridiculously unhealthy lifestyle once again, let's talk about booze for a hot minute.

We've been known to partake in cocktails that consist of left over Sainsbury's basics vodka and water, cause we're too poor to buy a mixer. And we didn't have squash. We did, however, manage to steal some fancy cocktail decorations from our housemate's 'bartending' kit. I'm sure I've got a photo of this somewhere, I'll find it and stick it in. So the basic rule behind drinking dirty, dirty vodka is that it's ok if you jazz it up a little with a lametta poof and umbrella.

While we're on the subject of vodka, I've got a word of advice for you. Never, EVER buy the cheapest vodka you can find from 'The Hatch' in New Cross. Especially after it's closed and you can only buy alcohol and cigarettes through the hatch. We once bought a bottle from there, and after drinking about three quarters of it and realising how strange it tasted, we also realised how we weren't at all drunk. This is when we decided to inspect the label, which actually stated on it that it had been made on MS Publisher. So to summarise, we drank home-made non-alcoholic acetone vodka from a bottle that had been printed and stuck on with sticky-back plastic. Slight error.

So moving on from dodgy vodka, let's talk about everyone's favourite. TEQUILA.

Most people end up craving tea and biscuits at 2 in the afternoon, but apparently we crave margaritas. Taking the desire to satisfy this and rolling with it, we researched (texted the Mexican bff) a really good, original, traditional recipe to follow. Simple enough. Here's what we were told (note my fabulous grammar).

So with this in mind, off we trot to buy a bottle of corner shop's finest silver tequila. We were feeling flush so we got a decent sized bottle, some lime juice AND some limes. Splashing out big style. Mint took it a bit far, we're not made of money.

Getting back, we scavenged the freezer for ice and were warned not to use the blender so as not to blunt the blades on chunks of ice. Naturally, we used our initiative and put all the ice into a plaggy bag and bashed the crap out of it first. I think my shoe was involved at some point. Instant ice chips! Then came the tequila, straight into the ice. Sliced a couple of limes, chucked the juice in, glugged a glug of the bottled lime juice in. Unspecified amounts of salt and sugar then followed, and then whizzed. Of course, the only salt we could find was rock salt, and so we had a bit of a mission trying to crush it using a knife to rim the glasses while already being slightly intoxicated (I'm sure that there must have been some cheeky bottle swigging going on as well, the whole process was far more fun than it should have been). Quickly gave up on crushing rock salt and just poured it all into a glass. We would suggest just one glass, saves on washing up. Or two, if you must. Or just throw a straw into the blender jug and try not to chug and savour the deliciousness. Or chug. Y'know, it's your call.

Obviously there are no photographs to demonstrate the process we did, and this is for two reasons. Firstly, because we were having such fun doing it that photography didn't even enter our minds. Secondly, Skank Kitchen didn't exist at that point, so we had nothing to devote our skankness to. Anyway, enjoy!

Stay classy etc etc.

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